(C) 1998-2008 - Luca Deri  
Please enable make sure that the ntop html/ directory is properly installed



Statistics for hosts in network '' Change name

SentRcvdSentRcvdSentRcvdSentRcvdSent Descending order, click to reverseRcvd  Multihomed Router DNS  12.9 MBytes100.0%00.0%15.4 KBytes03550784000  
host  VoIP Printer Mail (SMTP) HTTP Server Low Risk Flag for ISO 3166 code tw (from p2c file)4520.0%7.7 MBytes100.0%1724.0 MBytes03.6 MBytes011.9 KBytes00  
student [NetBIOS]  5050.0%00.0%0050500000  

NOTE: You can define networks using the --known-subnets flag. Networks with no traffic/hosts do not have a hyperlink associated.